This contract is not mandatory. You will remain a client only as long as you are completely satisfied.


Significant Solutions Corp.

3003-C8 Yamato Road Suite 1015

Boca Raton, Florida 33434



This is a Service Agreement between Significant Solutions and ___________________(Client). 

Significant Solutions is engaged in the business of Web Site Positioning, which provides directed Internet traffic. ______________________________ desires to utilize Significant Solutions’s Net traffic service to increase targeted traffic to its Web site; WWW._____________________________. Significant Solutions’ mission is to direct targeted traffic to the client’s website(s).  We achieve this by getting high rankings on the major search engines and/or the purchase of keywords and/or banners to provide targeted traffic to our client’s site.  Our ultimate goal is to have pages ranked in the top listings of the major search engines utilizing the keywords chosen by the client to generate ongoing traffic.  Due to ever-changing search engine algorithms, Significant Solutions monitors and resubmits web pages as necessary to maintain satisfactory targeted traffic to our client’s site(s).


Therefore Significant Solutions and “The client ” agree as follows:


  1. Significant Solutions will review and analyze the products and contents of the _________________________________ website.
  2. Significant Solutions will purchase, setup and maintain 1 URL (Base package) along with all associated pages containing relevant keywords chosen by the client and all derivatives based upon Significant Solutions proprietary techniques.  These pages will be specifically targeted towards the top search engines.  In addition, we will perform a massive submission of the web pages we create to each of these search engines and up to 3000 additional posting sites throughout the web.  Significant Solutions will continue to submit these pages at regular intervals to the most important search engines in accordance with their unique rules. Significant Solutions will exclusively own the copyright and intellectual property rights to all URLs and pages created throughout this extensive process.

3.  Significant Solutions will place in these pages an automatic redirection (link) to the client’s web site. Upon, termination of this agreement, the automatic redirection (link) to the client’s web site will be removed.

4.   Significant Solutions will generate an online report detailing all traffic flowing to the client’s site.  This online report will be made available for review at all times to the client. Following the analysis of this report during and after the initial 90 day submission process, Significant Solutions will create any additional new pages that it deems necessary to ensure adequate targeted traffic to consistently reach client’s site trough use of client’s chosen key terms and phrases.

5.      The charge to the client for this service will be $150 per month, with the guarantee of a minimum of 300 targeted, unique viewers each month, following the initial 30 days required to begin the process and produce some initial listings and targeted traffic. (Base service package)

6.      Significant Solutions will invoice the client on the first day of the month with net due within 30 days. If an invoice remains unpaid by client after 30 days, finance charges of 1 1/2% per month will be charged on unpaid balances.

7.      Either party may terminate this Service Agreement for any reason by giving the other party ten days written notice of intent to terminate.

8.     This is the entire Service Agreement between the client and Significant Solutions with respect to its subject matter.  Any other agreement or understanding between them, whether oral or written, concerning the same subject matter are merged into this Service Agreement.  To  witness this Service Agreement, the duly authorized officers of ____________________________________ and Significant Solutions have executed this Agreement this ___day of _________, 2000.


           _______________________________________ of  Significant Solutions


           _______________________________________ of __________________________________

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