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Package #1: Net Traffic

Today your website is one of 950,000,000+ pages on the net. Statistics show that over 80% of website traffic, and ultimately sales, are generated by the use of search engines. Unfortunately, a well designed website does not guarantee a profitable volume of traffic.

Most Internet users stop looking for you within the first 30 Key Word matches of the query result. Ask yourself the following:

  • Is your site optimized for the right Key Words? Are you sure?
  • Are your customers going to a competitor because your site is.ranked too low.
  • Did they ever even see your listings?
  • What can you do to bring profitable traffic to your site?
  • How can you make the search engines work for you?
Many Key Word searches result in thousands or millions of pages found! Simply trying to submit your URL to the search engines multiple times will not improve your rankings and could get you thrown out. You must actively improve and promote your site correctly or your customers will probably not find your site when they search for your Key Words.

Increase Traffic Through Search Engine Ranking

Net Traffic is a website enhancement service. We analyze your existing website, Key Words, current placement and online competitors to develop and implement a strategic plan to increase your Internet traffic and improve your results. Our team of Internet experts focus exclusively on web-based marketing. We closely monitor the ever-changing search engine algorithms using thousands of test pages to evaluate what changes the engines are making and keep your Key Terms ranked high. Our clients enjoy TOP 10 rankings (often hundreds of TOP 10 listings across the major engines) for many of their chosen keywords and phrases, usually with multiple listings in the same search. This greatly enhances your visibility and will dramatically improve your click-through rates. Being ranked # 5 is great, but finding your listing at positions # 5,7 and 11 is much better! See Our Results

Increase Sales Through Strategic Key Word Usage

Net Traffic gives you the proper tools to help you carefully analyze your Key Words to determine which ones are the most effective for attracting your customers (not just traffic). We offer suggestions based in real world examples and utilize little known resources to give you actual search statistics on your chosen terms. This research can be used to evaluate your product choices as you will know exactly what KeyTerms people are searching for. This "window " into the minds of your audience is what separates the amateur from the professional Web Master. We are committed to bringing you Highly Targeted Traffic from the search engines. These are future customers who were looking for the exact Key Terms and products you will decide upon.

Results... Not Just Rankings

We create a new URL which relates entirely to your Key Words. We then use the 111 Key Terms you will choose to create and submit 100 separate optimzed pages, each targeted for groups of related Key Words to achieve a high priority ranking on every major search engine. All of these pages are submitted to the top (25+) search engines according to each one's unique, strict requirements over a 60+ day period. We also perform a massive submission session to up to 300,000+ sites ( not a typo ) which gives our program an extra kick by improving relevancy and can jumpstart the flow of traffic significantly. We submit each optimized page and study the volume of Highly Targeted Traffic we have sent to your original web site's content. And watch this Targeted Traffic grow day after day.

The hundreds of high ranking pages are hosted on our URL, on our servers, and are linked indirectly to your website. Each of these pages is cloaked so your competitors cannot steal the optimized code which put you ahead of them. Only the Search Engines and persons at their IP addresses can view the optimized code; all others are Server Side Redirected to your original site. It is similar to Caller ID. If our server sees that it is a Search Engine, it displays the optimized page. If it is a real human future customer, your original Website is displayed. We do not touch your existing Website and you do not have to do anything but make the sale. See How This Process Works

Fixed Costs

Net Traffic focuses on prequalifying your traffic by using the correct Key Words of products and services you offer because quality is more important than quantity of "hits". Unlike other services, which charge open-ended fees "per hit" or "per ranking", Net Traffic is a fixed fee monthly service; thus we do not have to generate extra traffic to increase our revenues. Our only goal is to increase your qualified Internet leads and sales so you reap the financial rewards of high search engine ranking. We're so confident in our service that you can cancel at any time with a 10-day notice. What other online marketing company invests in your success by giving you a profit Guarantee? Profits...not promises.

Our fixed fee allows us to generate high levels of prequalified traffic to your site without jeopardizing your budget. You can budget for the exact amount every month. We learned long ago that this is a highly scientific ever-changing process which demands a great deal of time and energy to be effective. Let us professionally optimize your online marketing efforts while you focus on your business and closing the sale.

The Net Traffic Package

Net Traffic offers this service package designed to address your specific need of generating qualified targetted traffic to your existing site guaranteed.

Our package includes the following services:

  • We conduct a detailed analysis to help you identify the most effective Key Words/phrases to attract your customers. Results... not just rankings.
  • We create and submit 100+ independent cloaked web pages targeted for small groups of related Key Words/phrases to direct Prequalified Highly Targeted Traffic to your site by Server Side Redirect.
  • We monitor the positioning and traffic generated by our sites, pages and efforts.
  • We create an online traffic report you can view at any time to see the results so you can make decisions based on facts. see a sample report
  • We guarantee, yes GUARANTEE, at least 500 qualified targeted viewers to your site each month. This is the minimum number of Highly Targeted Viewers we will send you or you will not be billed. There is no maximum! Many of our clients receive far more viewers because their chosen Key Terms are popular searches. Every client is unique and, while we are generating thousands of viewers to some sites, you have the option to actively persue Extremely Targeted Key Words which, while very profitable to you, represent far fewer viewers. Call us for a free site evaluation and to clarify your expectations of our service.

    We get over 1,600 unique visitors a day to this site by this exact method. This system is designed to pay for itself !

Sign up today!

Need more Targeted Traffic over a wider range of Key Terms? Try Net Traffic #2

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